Mr. Bektybayev, Vice-president on operations, ENRC Kazakhstan
Mr. Bektybayev is Vice-President on Operations at ENRC Kazakhstan. He is solely responsible for production activity of ENRC Group in Kazakhstan, including the production of ferroalloys, iron ore, alumina, aluminum, coal and electricity.
Mr. Bektybayev oversees development and implementation of new technologies on the Group’s entities, program economic efficiency as well as corporate procurement. Also he is responsible for implementing the Group’s projects for Capital Expenditures.
Mr. Bektybayev has 25 years experience in the mining industry. Prior to joining ENRC in 2004 he worked at Belogorsky mining and processing enterprise, Kazakh Polytechnic Institute and Kunaev Mining Institute.
Mr. Bektybayev graduated the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, in 1991 defended his master thesis and in 2009 acquired the degree of Master of Business Administration (МВА) at Moscow State University.
Mr. Bektybayev has Certificate of honor of the Kunaev mining institute (1997), Diploma for the best scientific work of the Collegiums of the Ministry of science of RoK (1996). He is a holder of Industry and Trade Ministry grant.