Gorno-Metallurgicheskaya Promyshlennost

The branch-wise informational and analytical magazine for miners and metallurgists was established in April, 2008 by the Republican Association of Extraction and Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises of Kazakhstan in order to familiarize the readers with the problems and prospects of mountain and metallurgical branch. Mining and Metallurgical Industry Magazine was accredited at the Administration of President of RK, the Parliament of RK, ministries and departments. Authors of the magazine are the best journalists and analysts of Kazakhstan and of near abroad. The magazine is a tribune on internal branch and interbranch problems. It is determined to attract attention of governmental and parliamentary people, public associations and trade unions. Our concept: publishing of analytical reviews, materials and prospects concerning development of mountain and metallurgical branch of Kazakhstan, articles on image of branch enterprises telling about their works, discovering historic facts on branch formation. Also, the edition covers the society and power corridor problems, events. Reader’s Audience: representatives of state bodies, directors and experts of the enterprises of the mountain and metallurgical branch and of its interfacing branches, top management of the companies which manufacture special techniques and equipment and suppliers of raw materials and materials, educational institutions of RK, businessmen.