- Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Eurasian Business Council
- IOM3 (The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining)
- Kazakh-British Chamber of Commerce (KBCC)
- The Kirghiz Mining Association
- CHINA MINING Conference and Exhibition 2013

Ministry of Industry and New Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a central executive body that performs management in the field of industry and industrial innovation, scientific and technological country development, mining and metallurgical industry, machinery producing industry, chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, light industry, wood processing industry and furniture industry, building стройиндустрии and construction materials production; state support of investment, safety of machinery and equipment and safety of chemical products in accordance with industry orientation; establishment, operation and abolition of special economic zones; export control; technical regulations and ensuring uniformity of measurements; electric power industry; mineral resources, except for hydrocarbon crude; state geological survey, reproduction of mineral resources base, rational and complex use of mineral resources, public administration in the subsoil use of the solid minerals, ground water and therapeutic mud; coal industry; nuclear energy use, support of renewable energy use, energy efficiency, as well as inter-sectoral coordination of public authorities in the field of activity referred to its competence.
The Ministry has departments: Investment Committee, Industry Committee, Committee of Technical Regulation and Metrology, Committee of State Energy Supervision and Control, Committee of tourism industry, Committee of Geology and subsoil use.

Eurasian Business Council is a nonprofit partnership for assistance to trade and economic cooperation within the countries of the Eurasian Economic Community (EvrAzES) – Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadzhikistan and Russia.
The main purpose of the Eurasian Business Council is to promote the steady development of mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation, establishment of direct links between enterprises and companies of the Eurasian Economic Community member states, as well as full cooperation of the members of the Council.
The Institute was formed from the merger of the Institute of Materials and the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy in June 2002, and is the professional body for the international materials, minerals and mining community, with a membership of over 19,000 individuals worldwide, providing professional accreditation and qualifications, training and professional development.
Members of the Institute come from a variety of backgrounds, from students to company chief executives. Members qualify for different grades of membership, ranging from Affiliate to Fellow, depending on academic qualifications and professional experience. The professional development programme run by the Institute helps contribute to members’ career enhancement towards senior grades of membership, and Chartered Engineer (CEnv), Scientist (CSci) and Environmentalist (CEnv) status.
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Kazakh-British Chamber of Commerce (“KBCC”) is a primary business association created with the support of Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the UK and Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan to promote Kazakh-British trade and investment by helping UK and Kazakh members of the Chamber to establish new and develop existing business relationships in both countries with a particular focus on developing exporting capabilities of the SME segment.

The Kirghiz Mining Association – is a self-governing, independent public organization which does not support any political parties and movements. The membership is voluntary and is open to anyone who has business interests in Kyrgyzstan in subsoil use sector.
The objectives of the Kirghiz Mining Association stated in the Articles of Association are as follows:
- Consultation services and problem solving activities;
- Provision of information, representation and protection of the legal and professional interests of the members of the Mining Association;
- Supervision of the members of the Mining Association, collaboration with other related organisations in the Kyrgyz republic and other countries;
- Cooperation with the state legislative and executive authorities, responsible for regulation of subsoil use in area of drafting of laws, statutory acts and their amends, for the purpose of creating a favourable climate for the activity of mining organisations and attraction of investments into mining.
- Communication with the public via mass media and expert conferences dedicated to the activity of the mining organisations, their contribution to development of the economy of the republic, creation of new workplaces and improvement of the social conditions;
- Consultation services to the members of the Mining Association in relation to selection of the licensed sites with potential areas for exploration and development of the deposits, and preparation of the joint venture agreements.

Hosted by China Ministry of Land & Resources, Tianjin Municipal Government and China Mining Association, the 15th annual CHINA MINING Conference and Exhibition will be held at Tianjin Meijiang Convention Center from November 2nd to 5th, 2013. Since the first time CHINA MINING was held in 1999, the scope and influence has been extending every year. CHINA MINING Conference and Exhibition has become an annual not-to-miss event and a platform to meet the world mining players. CHINA MINING 2012 has concluded with great success – 420 exhibitors and 6000 delegates from 55 countries joined CHINA MINING 2012. Besides the conference and exhibition, CHINA MINING also features coherent events, such as Awards Dinner, Signing Ceremony of project investments, Government Welcome Dinner and additional Cocktail Reception, Lunch & Coffee Break function to offer various networking opportunities for participants.
Date: 2nd – 5th November, 2013
Venue: Tianjin Meijiang Convention Center, Tianjin, China
Host organization: China Ministry of Land & Resources, Tianjin Municipal Government, China Mining Association
Tel: +86-10-64466855
Fax: +86-10-58857006
Email: info@china-mining.org